Sunday, May 31, 2009

BBQ with the Boys

We had some friends over tonight for a BBQ, each with their own little guy.  It was fun to see all of the boys interact.  




The little boys played on the floor...

while the big boys played with the door.

We tried to get a picture of all four boys.  Ben and Gavin were ready first...

we added Charlie...

....and we never quite successfully "added" Sean.

Looks like we wore Gavin out! :)

Thanks for coming, guys!  We should do it again soon.

Ben and Gavin

A little out of order here...but some funny pictures from our PwC play date last Thursday.

Fist in mouth competition.

Gavin interested in Ben's bib.  He subsequently stuck it in his mouth...what else is new with 4-5 month olds?

The boys are too cute together.

First trip to New York City

We took Ben for an overnight in NYC to attend his Great Great Uncle Alan's Memorial Gathering.  We went up early to spend some time in Central Park.  It was AWESOME.  The weather was fantastic and we had a great time.  Unfortunately, I was not sufficiently prepared and the camera battery died when we got there...resulting in only 2 pictures for the outing.  Ben's Grandma did catch some other moments of the night anyway.

Just before leaving for the Friar's Club with Ben's Great Grandma Enid.

Ben was obviously thrilled with the party.  What can you expect, it started at his bedtime.

Ben's is soooo obviously interested in his surroundings lately.  It's great...except when I'm trying to feed him.  Here he is checking out the city in the morning from the hotel with Aunt Lauren.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Up way too late

I'm up late getting ready for Ben's big trip to NYC tomorrow.  Trying to get the camera and video camera cleared off and ready to go.  I figured I'd put up the last few new pictures that I have.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be nice and we'll get some good pictures of Ben in Central Park. 

Doing some work with Daddy before bed the other night.

(in Nick's make-shift office since Ben's bedroom took over his old one!)

Ben in the big chair.  He seemed to sit better in this one than the little one on his 5 month birthday (see previous post :)), maybe it was the toys.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a day at home

Ok, it looks like I'm going through a frequent updating phase. :)

Hanging out in our bed.

Along with Ben's rolling ability comes the fact that he frequently gets stuck in odd positions.

Our Monkey with his monkey.

And with Me!

My favorite boy in the world!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tech-savvy Ben

Ben likes to video chat with his Grandparents and Aunts.  Here's he's talking with Daddy to Daddy's parents.  

This is a very typical "look" that Ben has when he's not "posing" for the camera.  The blue shirt today sure made his blue eyes look BLUE!  It was awesome.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My new shades

Spending a little time outside on this beautiful Memorial Day.  They called for rain, but we haven't seen any yet all weekend!

Look how much I've grown!

Of all the wonderful gifts we received for Ben before he was born, there was one sleeper that kept popping up.  We ended up with this adorable, gender-neutral sleeper in newborn, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months size.  Ben is now in the 9 months (yes, he's only 5 months old), so we will be soon to retire the outfit.  This morning I pulled out the old ones to compare...

9 months verses Newborn - yes he wore that, even though it only fit for a few days!

Good morning, Mommy!

Coordinated outfits for church (unintentional of course) :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Current Expressions of Benjamin

Thank you to everyone's comments about Ben's 5 month photo shoot.  I'm glad everyone thought it was as funny as I did!  We'll see what happens next month...I can only hope to get at least one good picture.

We didn't have too much going on this week, but we are very excited about a three day weekend with Daddy at home!  Updates on Ben....he's becoming more and more aware of his surroundings and objects that are consistently within reach.  The phone and the remote are especially becoming an object of his affection...even if it's just to lick a little bit.  He's also spending lots of time on his side (both playing and sleeping).  He's still not sitting on his own, maybe within the next month or so.  Here are some current shots showing his frequent expressions.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5 Months Old

I cannot believe my little Benny is 5 months old already.  He's learned so much already and I LOVE being a Mom!  

Today, when I sat Ben down to take his 5 month picture I didn't realize how hard it was going to be!  He's much more mobile and aware of everything around him.  Wally couldn't sit without being grabbed and chewed on and Ben would not sit still!  A a result I'm posting even more pictures to show my struggle as I could not stop laughing.  Happy 5 months, Monkey!