Ben attended a neighbor's birthday party today that had an Elmo theme. The party included once of Ben's favorite activities......a water table!

Kate showed up and splashed around a bit with Ben.
And showed everyone how darn cute she is!
Oh my....look who's walking up our street!!???!!
Ben was not scared at all. He has no idea who Elmo is, but was very excited...
"What the heck is this big furry thing?!"
Ben spots Daddy coming home from work.
The cutest boy in the world posing with his new friend.
Coincidence that Ben and Elmo were both in orange? He's special in his liking for "special" characters. Lots of little people are scared of them. He's our man!
Don, you need to watch Sesame Street....Elmo is red! :) Pictures may have altered his color a little bit.
O-M-G Please don't tell Ben that Papi got so confused. Just give him a hug for me.
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