Santa came!

Ben's trip downstairs on Christmas morning. Such anticipation. We had the video camera and the regular camera.
He comes around the corner...
And skips all the presents and runs right over to my sister's purse to find her cell phone. Oh well. Maybe he'll "get" it next year!
I forgot Ben's stocking in PA so we used my old stocking. All he cared about were the snacks.
Starting to get into the spirit with delivering Daddy a present.
"Mommy, do you see THOMAS on this blanket!?"
"I don't know what play dough is, but this looks fun!"
"I promise I'm not going to mess with the ipod again!"
One of Ben's favorite toys.
Examining the aftermath of part 1 while we broke for breakfast.
Ben has officially learned to "jam" with this new guitar. He even says he's "jamming."
Reading a new book with Aunt Jen.
Ben put Mommy to work putting together a giant fire truck puzzle.
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