Friday, June 28, 2013

Lauren's Shower

Last Sunday was Lauren's wedding shower.  My baby sister is getting married!  She was beautiful and gracious.  I couldn't be happier for her! 

Jenn's Wedding

I should have posted this before my details about our move.  Last Saturday, Nick and I went to the last of the 750 weddings.  Congrats to Jenn and Nick!!

I really wish we took this with a real camera rather than my cell phone. :(  Thankfully,  Jenn got a professional one taken of the 12 of us!  Can't wait to see it.

Moving from VA to GA

A little narrative about our move...

After a wedding, a bridal shower and a fair amount of packing, the 4 of us got in the car around 7:30 PM on Sunday, June 23rd, to drive to GA.  We made it as far as Salisbury, NC and stayed the night at a hotel.  We were back on the road by about 9:30 AM and made it to our house mid afternoon.  The boys were so excited and then completely passed out as we were approaching our neighborhood.

We woke them up and let them explore the house....these videos are probably very long and boring for some....but I know there are some grandparents and aunts who will want to watch them. :)

Our first few days in the house have been great.  The boys have had fun exploring and figuring out where everything is in the house.  We are still getting used to it (light switches, temperature control, etc.) but it definitely feels like home.  During our first week here, we had our first trip to the airport (with the boys) to pick up Auntie Jen, we explored the neighborhood pool, a park close to our neighborhood, the mall and many other stores, we visited the boys' school for the fall and met a few neighbors.  Pretty successful for 5 days here! :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Back to Westwood

With my Dad in town, we headed back to Westwood this morning to celebrate Father's Day, have lunch and enjoy the beautiful day.  

Father's Day morning

This pictures isn't really in focus....but I love the boys' expressions. :)

Father's Day for the Krays

For a Father's Day outing, Nick and I took the boys to Meadowlark Park yesterday.  After 2 weeks away from Daddy, the boys really enjoyed showing him the park - turtles, fish, butterflies, etc.  We were so happy to spend quality time with Daddy and can't wait to all be together again in a week.

Tea party. :)

After the park, we went to Elevation Burger for hamburgers and exposed the boys to milkshakes.  Ben wasn't sure until I told him it was ice cream in a cup.  That got his attention. :)

Clemyjontri Park

We took Ben and Lincoln to Clemyjontri Park on Friday.  My mom followed Ben around and I followed this post is a little Lincoln focuses.  He had a great time running around and exploring.

We met an old friend of mine, Alexa, at the park with her two boys.  Teddy is just about Lincoln's age.  The best way to get a picture of three boys is to contain them in an airplane. :)

Swimming at Westwood

Last week, we took the boys to Westwood to go swimming.  We were so excited to learn that the boys could go into the big pool (especially Lincoln).  I made them both keep on their vests since I was in there alone with them....we will have to get them some swimming lessons in GA!

Play date with Lauren Shearer

Lauren brought her 6 month old twins over last weekend for a play date.  It was so fun to get our 4 kids together, but we discovered 2 things:  Life was a lot easier after Lincoln went down for his nap (he is not familiar with babies and the need to be careful or gentle around them) and Ben was in LOVE with the babies (sharing his toys and wanting to play with them the whole time)!  They were very very cute and I loved having a nice long visit with my old friend.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Washington DC Zoo

Another priority during our time in VA was going to the DC zoo to see the pandas and elephants (because they don't have them at our (old) zoo).  It was a beautiful day!

The pandas were inside and eating right up against the glass.

Ever since Ben was born, the elephant house has been closed when we visited.  The new house was finally open and 2 of the 4 elephants were enjoying some hay inside.

Then we went down to the elephant walk and caught the 11 year old (baby) coming back from his nature walk. :)

Lincoln's priorities were the monkeys ("a-keys") and the turtles.  These gorillas were very active and close to the glass.  Ben was hanging out near this one. 

Lincoln was standing against the glass admiring the little 4 year old gorilla who was running back and forth on the other side.  However, the big daddy gorilla decided to come towards the glass (not really AT Lincoln), but it appeared that way.  Maybe not the best mom-move, but I snapped a picture as Lincoln RAN away before comforting him.  I should note he was not crying or anything...just caught him off guard. :)

My handsome boys on this fun day at the zoo. 

Oh...and Lincoln's new favorite.  The turtles! (Wish I could phonetically write how he says it.  I will have to listen again when he wakes up from his nap and attempt it here.)